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ForEliteAtheletes to FunRunners
Studies show that men with a higher level of the
T hormone were better hunters...and I don’t mean
they were better at finding dinner! The T strong males
were more assertive when it came to attracting a mate
and gained more attention from the fairer sex than the
lesser blessed men!
So how do you increase this female attracting hormone?
Some believe there is a magic supplement for this juicy
male hormone, unfortunately there isn’t and it’s all
down to you and your discipline and determination...
The truth of the matter is, to boost testosterone, you
need a combination of living life like a caveman,
combined with total religious like commitment...
But that’s no fun, so here are a few simple ways that
you can boost this great, natural male hormone!
Get lots of sleep with the natural daily cycle;
I recommend aiming to sleep 22:00-06:00 (like the
Beast; rise with the sun, sleep with the moon)
Eat lots of meat and good fats like you have just
been and killed it (these good fats provides the
building blocks to build testosterone)
Eat lots of whole natural foods (meat, good fats,
fish, vegetables, fruit, sweet potatoes, dairy)
Train big!!! Focus on a mix of compound resistance
training, accessory exercises specific for your
goals, with some sprinting, running, jumping and
smashing! Get out, get primal and simulate the
hunter, gatherer in you!
Avoiding binging on alcohol as this flatlines
testosterone for up to 2 days after drinking, but you
can enjoy the odd glass of red wine, which relaxes
the body and mind and provides rich anti-oxidants!
ALWAYS Ensure water intake is high, so for most
men around 2.5-3 litres a day, avoid coffee after
4pm (this releases cortisol – the stress hormone,
which fights against testosterone in the body, so try
to keep it low)
Rest and relax where possible - stress will limit your
body’s ability to produce testosterone!
And the bit I think you might like the most..... have
lots of sex!!!! (I don’t think this bit needs any further
So, in short,
workout and get
jiggy more often!
Some believe
there is a magic
supplement for
this juicy male
Most women will agree, that ‘leaving the lights on’
is a big issue. We all have self induced flaws and
imperfections that we have built up in our minds, that
you men simply don’t see, but we get hung up on
them! And this most certainly doesn’t make us
feel sexy!
But when we workout, and the happy hormones
start coursing around our bodies, our confidence is
boosted, we feel sexier and we feel more inclined
to let you enjoy the experience visually as well as
When women exercise, we produce endorphins (the
feel good chemicals) which we also release during
sex. The more women can generate these through
exercise or interaction, the easier it is for our bodies
to produce them! So, in short, workout and get jiggy
more often!
Getting breathless can only make it better. Aerobic
exercise increases your body’s circulation, it also
reduces stress, invigorates and stimulates the body
and improves blood flow, including to the lower
regions, making it all the more ready for the activities
The big taboo of the pelvic floor is normally only
addressed by new mums and pilates instructors, but
by performing basic pelvic floor exercises on a daily
basis, can strengthen all the necessary muscles to
provide you with a more intensive ‘peak’ and a more
‘fitting’ experience for your partner!
As a woman, I know first hand how important it is
to feel good in my skin, but the media and hearsay
has complicated our views on what’s the right things
to do to achieve the ideal female shape. There is
something I hear pretty regularly from my female
clients, and it is...
“I really want to lose weight and tone up as
I don’t want ‘saggy’ bits!”
“I DON’T want to bulk up and get muscular
so I won’t do anything strength based
exercise and will only do cardio!!”
To achieve a beautifully balanced female figure, that
is toned and defined, yet still portrays all the distinct
feminine characteristics, women need more than just