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ForEliteAtheletes to FunRunners
Serotonin & Dopamine are chemicals produced in the
brain, improving our mood and protecting us against
mental health disorders. Serotonin, which is produced
by long-term cardio exercise, is clinically proven to
decrease depression, while Dopamine improves your
mood and long-term memory, stimulating highly
pleasurable feelings and emotions.
Recent studies have found that exercise not only
lifts your mood, but it actually detoxifies the body of
harmful chemicals.
Getting physical (in all kinds of ways! Yes that
includes any bedroom activities) cleanses the blood
of chemicals which accumulate when we experience
stress and these substances can actually be harmful
to our brain.
Not only does exercise provide us with a rush of
endorphins, but it has recently been found that,
similar to the liver and kidneys, during exercise,
our muscles produce an enzyme which banishes
a chemical in the human body which is linked to
There are other ways to lift your mood too, including:
even a forced, false smile activates muscles
that trigger a chain reaction, which in turn release the
happy hormones, so get Cheesy!
Eat some clean, spicy food like a good,
clean, homemade curry, and when the temperature
in your mouth rises, and burns, your brain releases
endorphins to provide relief! The spicier/hotter the
food, the more endorphins you produce! Spicy foods
also help the body fight off bugs and keep your
metabolic rate fired up, so you burn more calories!
Exposure to sunlight (even
when it’s grey and raining outside) causes the brain to
release these lovely happy hormones!
Since being diagnosed with PTSD, I spent
a long while wallowing in my own self pity,
shutting myself off from the world and
pretty much living in my pyjamas. But on
one particular day, and I have idea what
changed that morning, I got up, laced up
my trainers, and with my trusty pooch;
Dashing McDasherton at my side, I hit
the fields and countryside near my home.
Suddenly I felt free. In that moment, I
knew what I had to do to heal my heart
and my mind.
Don’t get me wrong, no amount of running,
jumping or climbing will ever stop the hurt
My body does
what hers could
not, and for that
reason, I run,
jump and get
muddy as often
as I can.
Get physical
– in all kinds
of ways!...
I feel, but my body’s reaction to the exercise and the
knowledge that I am doing what her body couldn’t
eases the pain I feel. And every day, I grow stronger;
physically, emotionally and mentally.
I love sharing my knowledge, and find writing articles
about what I love very easy, but this one, well it
challenged me more than any other, and the reason
for that is because it’s something I have experienced
first hand and it’s something that isn’t that easy to
share or admit to. No one likes to admit failure or
weakness, but sometimes, it takes the bravest of
people to share their deepest hurt and in fact realise
that struggling with a loss is NOT a failure or a
weakness but shows incredible strength!
I have turned something negative in to a positive.
My body does what hers could not, and for that
reason, I run, jump and get muddy as often as I can.
I have been blessed with an opportunity to use my
grief in a positive way and allow my body to benefit
from the medicinal reactions from physical activity,
and take every step, of every run, pump every rep and
race every race, in my sisters honour.
The other day, I read something beautiful which I want
to share with you. It explained how each human being
is made of atoms; atoms which have originated from
stars, so essentially, we all descend from an amazing,
universal changing, explosive event; one which
sparked life in to existence.
Which means, every single atom in your body
generated from an exploded star; carbon, oxygen,
iron, nitrogen and all the ingredients that are needed
to generate life, were created in the blistering centre
of a star!
And when those stars exploded....that little life
creating concoction, flew across the universe making
you, me, us, and pretty much all life as we know it!
It’s even possible that the atoms in your head, may be
from a different star to the atoms in your feet!
So when you’re having a bad day, or you’re feeling
low or the journey to your end goal seems a million
miles away, just tell yourself how incredible you are
and that you are in fact a star child, so you matter
more than you know! You carry the atoms of a fallen
star that gave up its existence, so you could do great
things! Make the most of every day, and let your body
run wild.
Welcome to the Crazy Gang people... it’s a mad place
to be but damn, it’s worth it just for the adventure!