Obstacle Mud Runner - Issue 7

obstaclemudrunner.co.uk ForEliteAtheletes toFunRunners 34 How many times have we been on the monkey bars or swinging on the ninja rings and have felt a sharp pain on your neck, shoulder or back? It can happen to anyone. The shoulder contains several muscles and structures that can generate different injuries. Trapezius is a long and superficial muscle that goes from the back of the head (occiput) to the end of tour thoracic spine (which is at the end of your ribs) and descending around the shoulder blade (scapula) blending anteriorly to the lateral third of the collarbone (clavicle). The deltoid covers most of the shoulder and rotator cuff muscles. The rotator cuff muscles are a combination of four muscles. Supra spinatus, infra spinatus, teres minor and subscapularis that originate on the scapula and insert in the superior lateral side of the arm (the greater and lesser tubercle of the humerus). Each muscle has its specific movement which provides a rotational movement of the shoulder joint in all directions whilst providing support around the shoulder socket. The most common injuries are normally predisposed from a lack of warming up the muscles before an exercise, weakened muscles and/or due to an overuse of the muscles predisposing muscle fatigue and thereby increasing the chance of injury. Especially if the athletes are inducing excessive, repetitive, overhead motion, such as swimming, tennis, pitching, and weightlifting. Extreme use of muscles leads to inflammation and swelling causing some common injuries: Strains, tears such as torn rotator cuff, dislocations, impingement, tendinitis, bursitis and fractures. Rare injuries Tumours, infection, and nerve-related problems. Rotator cuff injuries are a tear or swelling of one or more muscles as mentioned above. This injury is most common in sports where the arm is moved over the head repeatedly with a poor technique and previous wear and tear.  Such as, on flying monkeys, rig work, salmon ladder, cargo net flips, lifting heavy weights over the shoulder, racket sports etc. This causes friction between the head of the humerus and the tendons and joints thereby tearing individual fibers. If this movement is painful it is best to stop and have it assessed by a professional before it becomes too damaged. Impingement occurs when the tendons of the rotator cuff becoming impinged as they pass through the shoulder joint. There is too much pressure going on top of the shoulder blade (acromion) which can be due to bad posture. Thus, straining the movement of the underlining tissues. This can lead to bursitis and tendinitis. Tendinitis, for example on the shoulder, is due to repetitive movements like lifting weights over the shoulder, any racket sports and swimming. The main problem is this repetitive movement of the tendon on the bone tearing individual fibres. If the movement continues and one is not bothered by the pain it can tear or break part of the bone. The Bursas are small fluid-filled sacs that are under a tendon. Their job is to be a cushion for the tendons and protect from injury. But if injured or over used it becomes inflamed, this is bursitis. It may appear red, swollen and painful when touched or while moving. Although bursas are more common in the shoulders they can also occur on the elbows, hips, knees and achilles. If you have a bursa the best protocol is to rest, ice and see a manual therapist like an Osteopath or you can visit your GP for his opinion, possibly some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or if severe, may be corticosteroids. Realistic recovery time? Is dependent on the patients age, health, how serious the injury. There are too many variables to have a clear answer as every case is individual. Rehab exercises? The best approach is to see a manual therapist. Although someone you know may appear to have had the same injury, it can be due to different causes, therefore having a fully personalised and independent assessment of the body is most recommended. Remember... Be strong HEALTH : INJURY ask the expert Shoulder Injury Dan Fernandes, (DO, M. Ost) Sports Care Revolution [email protected] @sportscarerev The most common injuries are normally predisposed from a lack of warming up the muscles before an exercise