Obstacle Mud Runner - issue 6

obstaclemudrunner.co.uk ForEliteAtheletes toFunRunners 12 A simple exercise – The Rubber Band Other brands are available Building up your grip strength is probably more important than all those sit ups you’ve been doing. It’s the grip and upper body/back strength that will have you swinging across those monkey bars, rings, or that gruesome rig and seeing as rig attachments come in all shapes and sizes, it’s important to train our grip in a variety of ways. A better grip will mean you can lift more weights in the gym. Lifting more weights in the gym creates a far longer after burn of calories, losing the calories will lead to a leaner and more toned you, a leaner and more toned you will perform better on course... you see the ripple effect?? Focusing on power moves like pull-ups and deadlifts will do you many favours. If we can recognise the benefit of mastering the pull-up, why isn’t training our grip higher on our list of priorities of body parts to concentrate on? It often gets overlooked and we batter our self confidence by simply saying “we’re not strong enough yet” and probably rep out another set of bicep curls thinking we simply need more muscle all over. It’s really not the case. We happen to know a few very slight people who literally fly over obstacles, no huge muscle mass but what they do have, is finely tuned skills as they have focused on the areas that will benefit them the most. Don’t be afraid to use aids such as straps and hand protectors. Although ideally, we need our hands to toughen up to withhold the demands of a testing course, by using aids in the gym once our hands start to weather, we can continue to train without compromising form because of the signal our brain is transmitting, telling our body to stop or let go. Alternatively, you can reduce the weight down and still workout without aids. Try switching to a neutral grip for things such as deadlifts and dead hangs but switch between sets. Train often Grip training should be done every day. Every time you pull or lift you are using grip and by doing it daily you’ll create a quick progression in strength, you can do it watching TV using grip aids if you wish or by Grip strength isn’t just about having bulging forearms simply gripping hard using anything, this can be a 1kg dumbbell or even a can of beans. Farmers walks are ideal for grip, midsection and forearm. If you can walk 50m it’s time to up the weight. Heavy lifts – forget the light weight wrist curl, be time smart and train your grip while you train other areas. By incorporating heavy dead lifts, pull ups, bodyweight rows you will work the whole arm as well as your grip. For pull-ups – work on switching your grip every few reps during a set, by grasping the bar you challenge your forearms to adjust and adapt to different positions which is typical to any rig. Try hooking a towel over the bar and gripping onto that to complete your set. There is always a more challenging variation so don’t stop when you know you can rep out 10 comfortably. They say “variety is the spice of life.” Weighted walking lunges are not to be sniffed at either, again, this is a great one to incorporate into your workout as you appear to be focusing on the lunge but in fact your grip is being tested too. Carry as heavy as possible to complete the set without compromising the lunges. Bouldering – another great sport where you use all the essential muscles. There’s sure to be a centre near you and most have campus rungs to train with if you really want to up the ante. Finally, a really simple one you can do anywhere. The rubber band – because it’s important to work the eccentric as well as the concentric. Create a “claw” pose with your hands and simply place a rubber band around your thumb and finger tips. Now open up the hand and release again. Repeat this for 30 seconds at a controlled pace. Once you can do this, try 2, then 3, then 4. Remember to work BOTH hands. By working these into your life you’ll be mastering those grip testing obstacles in no time and let’s face it, having a superhuman handshake means more than big forearms.  Grip Strength RACE : TRAINING the starting point for successful swinging You can do it watching TV using grip aids if you wish or by simply gripping hard using anything, this can be a 1kg dumbbell or even a can of beans