Obstacle Mud Runner - issue 11

obstaclemudrunner.co.uk 28 ForEliteAtheletes toFunRunners The off season Actually, it’s high time I stopped being forever prepared for winter, it’s no wonder I never quite make it on time for that summer body. Regardless of what you’ve been gifted on the outside, that body is actually ready for summer or winter no matter what. The beauty of OCR is that anyone can do it, you don’t have to be a certain shape or a certain age or certain height (although this does carry difficulties for those more vertically challenged) besides, what matters is the engine within. So, what does everyone do over winter when races are scarce? No one REALLY wants to go and train outside do they? Well now is the time to get that engine fully serviced, break the parts down, give them a good rest, fine tune and rebuild slowly ready for the race season and I’ve come to realise that you can’t just put a sticky patch over those slight niggles that keep bubbling away just beneath the surface because you just know that one day that slight niggle is gonna be the one thing that catches you out big time. It’s time to strip back to the bare beginning and do a careful, sensible rebuild of yourself. Balance is key here and I don’t just mean in the literal sense, although doing some solid core work is a good place to start. If you’re unsure where to start then invest some time, and money if you need to in a professional. You will reap the benefits 10-fold not just later in the season but from the very moment you start to look after you. Not only will your engine be running trouble free but you’ll understand what drives you forwards as opposed to doing what I’ve managed to do so far which tends to be more a ’2 steps forwards and 3 back’ kind of pattern. I wish I’d taken the time to rebuild years ago. So, that’s your decision made, to prep for this year and the amount of preparation really depends upon your goals for the coming season. If you’re very much a fun runner and all about having laughs with friends in the mud then you can take this much less seriously than those athletes who are really going for it. The UK are set to host the Obstacle Course Racing World Championships again this year so for those in that category, this is absolutely key for you. Everything you do this year will be focussed towards that triumphant moment where you toe the start line with the very best of the best of the best from all around the world. You cannot afford to go from injury to injury this year. What is it they say? To build a house you need a solid foundation, that exact philosophy applies here too. Your health is worth investing in. I suppose now is also a good time to remind you that your health isn’t just physical. We’re all aware of mental health but do we ever stop and take stock about how WE might be feeling within, or our family around us for that matter? OCR is a time-consuming sport to those who compete at the higher end of the scale and we really do put pressure on ourselves to constantly be better. We train all week and race at the weekend, that’s tough for even the most understanding partner. Please remember to STOP from time to time and show those around you how very much they are appreciated. Down time with family, friends and loved ones is as nurturing for the soul as any PB. Grab those opportunities with both hands and embrace them. Sometimes, your time, is all it takes. It’s been cold, right? It’s my excuse for an extra layer of insulation RACE : DOWNTIME have you taken time to rebuild?...